Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Advice from the Dog

Hi Katie, it's me, Ruby Doo. I'm in charge of this week's post as everyone else is busy getting ready to abandon me for a few days. I guess the old guy is coming by to feed and water me and the chickens. Anyway, I hear that where you're going there may be a lot of cameras. I also heard that some people, like you and Sue, are camera shy and can't seem to keep there eyes open. Well, here's my advice. When you're in front of the camera concentrate on keeping your eyes open. I mean, how hard can it be? I've had lots of experience with it. Cameras aren't that scary. Here's a picture of me on a recent hike.

Hey, knuckle head owner. That's not the picture you were supposed to post. What are you trying to do to me?  How can I start me own advice column with you always goofing around trying to make me look bad? If only I had an opposable thumb...

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