Wednesday, August 15, 2012

                 Moving For Florida
So I’ve spent about the last year going to lunch with Lincoln on Wednesdays. I’ve spent the last 7 months with Porter also. If I remember right, Katie might have been around sometimes too. I work in their neighborhood so I would swing by Wendy’s and get hamburgers and French Fries and then go to apartment near Walnut Park. We would eat lunch, go to the park, or read stories and play with the toys. Last week was our last lunch for awhile so with nothing better to do this week, I thought I’d write down how all this came about.

Lincoln was out driving his boat on the lake one day when his Mom asked him, “Lincoln, how would you like to move for Florida?”

Lincoln’s eyes lit up and he thought that sounded like fun.   I’ve never been for Florida, he thought. 

 Lincoln then put on his thinking face and thought           …and thought.

“My Dad and Porter will be green with envy.” 

Lincoln then decided to tell Porter about it and Lincoln called out, “Hey Porter, I’ve got some news for you!”

Porter then replied, “I’m all ears brother, tell me, tell me.”
“We’re moving for Florida” shouted Lincoln. 
Porter then said, ”That sounds like fun, except I might miss my Mom and Dad.”

“Don’t be a blockhead Ports, We’ll take them with us” replied Link.
“and why the long face, Tyler?”

 Lincoln and Porter then went to work and learned all about Florida, the beaches, the animals, the weather and the sights to see. They felt so smart that it felt like their heads were getting huge.

So last Friday, they said goodbye to Grandma Joyce and Grumpa Bob, and to their Grandmas, grandpas, Oma’s & Opa’s, friends and family and headed out for Florida.  

And remember, you read it here first.

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